Hey diddle diddle rhyme lyrics with meaning in english, hindi and oriya
Hey diddle diddle rhyme is an english nursery rhyme . It is a very funny rhyme. It is an ancient nursery rhyme. It is only a 6 line poem. It's words are very comical. It is not practical. A cow cannot jumped over from moon or it is not possible a cat can play a violin, spoon or dish can't walk. In this rhyme there are do much imaginary things are there the kids will love to sing this. Lyrics of the rhyme - Hey diddle diddle Hey diddle , diddle The cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such fun. And the dish ran away with the spoon. You can also download the lyrics- Meaning of the lyrics - Diddle means to work with or play with that is not serious. A cat play a fiddle. Fiddle is like a violin , a cow jumping over moon, after see this kind of things a dog was laughing and dish was also running with a spoon. Meaning of lyrics in hindi - Diddle मतलब लुढ़का एक बिल्ली